And we're off!
Boss Battle Theme (Sample)
Heavy 1 (Sample)
Power Metal 1
In Despair (YuGiOh RL Credits Theme)
I'll post music at your request, almost regardless of genre
If you wish to have a song made, PM me what you'd like
I also lurk the Audio Forums to see if there's anyone looking
I only have made songs in 2 genres. I'll be broadening my range of Genres (to all but Rap and Country) over time, so just wait.
I'll just post 4 links, 1 of my best classical songs, 1 of my most popular classical song (most listens), and the same for heavy metal.
Samples of what I can do
Memories of the Stars
Funeral in the Storm
what the hell do you have against rap and country?
Pure-Metal-UTA (Updated )
I have a few reasons
1) I've seen the epidemy of the stereotypes associated with each genre.
2) Regarding rap, I haven't heard any underground stuff, only mainstream. I really REALLY hate the mainstream stuff and therefore haven't given the underground stuff a chance.
3) Regarding country, all I hear from that stuff is how rednecks like to gawk at girls and drink booze all day long.
Give me some good reasons not to hate them and I might give them a chance :)