Another update. I've done a lot of work and have 6 songs pretty well completed. and I have them up on the site... for now. I've found that I have some serious EQing to do. I found this out in my sister's car, which has some pretty shitty speakers. But out of all the songs on my phone, my songs were the only ones that sounded like shit. So I figure that the only way to really fix that is to EQ in my sister's car. Then they'll be perfect in my ears.
1) When the Light Ends
2) Ode to Bacon - Starting Recording
3) Feral Children - Haven't Recorded
4) Memories of the Stars (Final version not on NG)
5) The Guilty - Haven't Recorded
6) Deathmatch - Haven't Recorded
7) Robot Death Machine - Trying to get a more robot sounding voice though FL, and I also plan on making the guitars louder since they all sound drowned out by the synths
8) These Dear Old Pipes of Mine - I need to find a proper way to set up my mics to record the drones and the chanter so they sound even. Other than that still haven't started recording.
9) The Curse on this Town
10) Cemetery Gates (Pantera) - Gotta redo the vocals and the final dives.
11) Episode 666 (In Flames)
11) Stickerbrush Symphony (David Wise, DKC2)
Also the When the Light Ends DEMO, Thinking up a concept design for the album cover
1) When the Light Ends
2) Hypnotorture - I'm not actually going to make this a song anymore, rather a script to put in with the lyrics of the other 2 songs.
3) The Curse on this Town