Almost made me dance
Composition: The vocoded voice at the beginning is pretty cool I gotta say, really added to the buildup you made. The buildup may have been short but it was really good. At the end of that buildup the pause left me disapointed until the actual song came in (then I was going "there we go"). You got a great beat going on after, something I would actually consider dancing to (I absolutely don't dance unless absolutely needed) The pause after took away from the whole dance concept though, bringing it back similar to the buildup wouldn't really bring people dancing. The part after that though is absolutely great, the melodies and progressions and even the percussions just leave a really strong (sad-type) emotion in the wake of it. The ending seemed kind of abrupt, but many songs do that so I'll let it slide.
Instrumentation/Mastering: I really can't complain about either the instrumentation nor the mastering because it all goes so well together. If it didn't, I wouldn't have felt like dancing.
Great work!